Slovensko društvo za preučevanje 18. stoletja je bilo ustanovljeno 10. maja 2007. Njegov glavni namen je pospeševati znanstveno raziskovanje slovenskega in širšega prostora v dolgem 18. stoletju, s tem pa tudi načrtno ohranjanje dediščine tega časa.
Društvo povezuje strokovnjake iz Slovenije, zamejstva in tujine, ki se omenjene tematike lotevajo na različnih področjih in z različnimi metodami. Znotraj društva delujejo v okviru sekcij, in sicer jezikoslovne, literarnozgodovinske, muzikološke, pravnozgodovinske, zgodovinske in umetnostnozgodovinske, vendar si dosledno prizadevajo za interdisciplinaren pristop. Društvo spodbuja njihovo sodelovanje med seboj in z relevantnimi ustanovami v Sloveniji, zlasti z univerzami, inštituti, knjižnicami, muzeji in arhivi, ter sodelovanje s sorodnimi društvi, ustanovami in posamezniki v deželah, ki so bile v 18. stoletju povezane s slovenskimi.
Društvo je tako zavezano znanstvenemu delu, vendar tudi predstavljanju svojih rezultatov in dediščine 18. stoletja širši javnosti. S tem namenom prireja poleg članskih sestankov znanstvena srečanja, strokovne ekskurzije, predavanja in delavnice ter izdaja znanstvene monografije in strokovni bilten društva, v katerem izhajajo bibliografije po posameznih strokah in povzetki predavanj.
Slovenian Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies (SD18) was founded in 2008. Its main goal is to accelerate the scientific research of Slovenian as well as neighboring territory in the long 18th centuries and in connection with that it strives for the methodical preservation of the cultural heritage of that time. Society is a forum of scientists from Slovenia, its neighboring as well as foreign countries, who study and research the 18th century as an especially important period in the history of the Slovenian territory. Within the society the scientists work in different sections, that is within the framework of philological, historical, musical, juridical, art-historical or literary historical section.
The subject matter is researched in an interdisciplinary way, and scientific findings are shared with the broader public. The society strives to reestablish and support relations with the representatives of different scientific branches, to cooperate with relevant institutions in Slovenia (universities, institutes, libraries, museums, archives etc.), to connect and cooperate internationally, especially with the related societies, institutions and individuals, whose history can be compared with the history of Slovenia. Its main objectives are organization of meetings for the members, seminars, lectures, excursions and publication of scientific and professional articles and its own bulletin, which also contains summaries of lectures and bibliographies according to the different branches of knowledge.